3 Habits to replace to become instantly Productive
I bet you always wonder how the creative chunk of people always stay creative, while you still lie down on your couch watching all the amazing content these people created for you. You might even think that some of the creators are so supportive and encouraging that they want you to be the best version of yourselves. Well, trust me, the last thing that they want you to do is to get up from that old couch and actually work.

People nowadays make really informative content. But Knowledge not put to use is Knowledge wasted. In reality, you’re just so addicted to consuming the information that’s available freely on the internet, and sometime even overwhelmed. So, here I provide you 3 Simple Habit replacements you can implement to make yourself instantly productive.
Music → Podcasts
Who doesn’t like music.. I mean, It’s like seriously the best thing mankind has ever come up with. I can understand why you listen to music while you workout, it really gives you that extra energy and motivation. But music while eating, sleeping or while doing nothing, it just means you’re addicted. And like every other addiction, this one also comes with consequences, it costs you TIME.
That’s the time you could use to learn something new, like the Universe, Cars, Science, Innovations, Politics, History or even a whole new Language. This is where Podcasts come into the picture. It’s not only about learning, it’s also about Awareness. There are like hundred different podcast channels that provides you with a dose of important news, be it financial, political, technological or even Extra-terrestrial.
Consume → Create
Yes, I’m talking about content obviously. Content consumption can become extremely pleasing and addictive. I bet none of you know that this habit costs you your Creativity. If you already know this, I mean… How stupid can you be.
I consider Creativity to be an extremely important skill. Simply watching all the good things the others have created for you takes away your ability to think like yourself. You’d be defeated by your own inferiority complexes every time you decide to do something creative. And even if you manage to overcome these feelings, you’d be left with an extreme obsession to surpass all your competitors. Competitiveness is a valuable skill, but again, nothing becomes valuable if it stops you from doing what you want to do.
This is exactly why you should step out of all the TUTORIAL traps and start doing whatever it is you love. Just remember, Practice makes Perfect. When you practice creativity, it becomes Perfect. Thank me later !!!
Mobile phones → Laptops
This might seem like a silly point to add here. How does switching to a Laptop make a difference in your productivity. Well, mobile phones are designed to grab your attention all the time. It wants you to spend all your time in it.
Let me give you an example, let’s say you’re trying to do something important on your phone. Suddenly a notification pops up saying that your friend just posted. What do you do? You’d obviously click on it and there goes your productive time. You just fall for the bait every single time you use your phones. But what if you can avoid the bait itself in the first place, that would give you more efficient time to work with.
While most of the new laptops comes with these awesome features of connectivity, you have the option to disable it. And if you’re really serious about your productivity (which is why you’d be reading this article), I know you’d be happy to disable these features and reach your goals. While, disabling the same features on a phone would destroy the whole purpose of it.
So, that’s it. 3 simple habit replacements to make yourselves instantly productive. If you found any of these facts relatable, or if you like this article, do follow me. I’d be happy to share these short form articles on Technology, Entrepreneurship and Lifestyle.
I’d also be happy to learn from you, feel free to use the comment section, Thankyou.